Sarah Aalborg
Introducing brain friendly cyber security
Short version:
Colorful, Popcornbrain, CISO, Head of IT Governance and IT support, Key Note Speaker, and Advocate for applying behavioral sciences in Information Security
Long version:
With more than 25 years of experience in IT, I have settled upon IT security as my particular thing.
I find it intriguing to apply my knowledge of behavioral psychology to the various disciplines within Cyber. Adding value to the organization while securing it and inspiring my colleagues along the way makes my day.
My title, “Popcornbrain,” derives from the myriad ideas that keep popping up in my head at the strangest times. They need an outlet, and this blog is the valve.
Sometimes, I am lucky enough that others want to hear about my ideas and thoughts. When this happens, I happily spend my spare time as a keynote speaker.
Feel free to contact me if you want me to attend your conference or event.