Do you ever worry about having secured yourself and your organization enough?

Of course, you do, and that’s completely natural. But to understand why, we have to go back in history.
Well, we have to go back a pretty long way….
Imagine a calendar. It's one of those solid cardboard calendars that take up about a square meter and show a year in one big picture.
Do you have it? Now, we will put the Big Bang and the creation of the Milky Way on January 1st.
Let the months go by looking at the calendar. We have to go to October before the first life appears in the form of bacteria and things like that.
Somewhere in November, life as we know it begins to appear. That is life with bones, bones, and brains that show up now.
We humans show up fashionable late on December 31st, around 11 pm. Then, we enjoy ourselves as hunter-gatherers until around 23.58, when it starts to take off.
The last two minutes are where everything we call history takes place. This is where the pyramids, castles, knights, world wars, and all such things take place. In the very last millisecond of the calendar year, digitization appears with computers, the Internet, social media, and online banking.
Now, if you look at your imaginary calendar, it’s pretty straightforward. Evolution hasn’t had time to build an understanding of the digital world into our DNA. This is one of the reasons we struggle so much to comprehend and manage cyber and digitalization.
Another point is that in the “hour,” we were hunter-gatherers; everything was primarily about survival.
The ones who saw those beautiful eyes in the night and thought, “It’s probably not dangerous,” didn’t survive.
Over the 50,000 years that the human brain has looked as it does today, we have bred ourselves to become increasingly aware of danger and worry. The others did not survive long enough to reproduce.
Therefore, when you lie awake at night worrying, you can come to terms with the fact that it is entirely natural; you cannot help it because worrying IS built into your DNA.
During that time, as hunter-gatherers, survival depended on another factor: Energy.
When we didn’t spend time protecting ourselves and our offspring, it was about getting energy and saving what we had. Our brains, which comprise a small part of our body weight, consume 25% of our total energy.
Therefore, we are structured so that our brains automatically do what they can to save energy. This applies, for example, to complex things and situations that your brain naturally shuns like fire, trying to simplify or skip altogether to save that life-saving energy.
Can you imagine what our brain says about cyber, digitization, and complex logins with MFA?
It’s not simple, and because it’s complex and we still have to navigate, we worry.
So next time you are awake worrying about the future or how you should have reacted, said, or done, rest assured: Naturally, it's in your DNA!