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What can you learn from IKEA and cake mixes when working with Governance and Compliance?

Do you know the feeling when delegating a task and then receiving the result, you think that you could have done much better yourself? Then you modify it slightly and immediately the value increases significantly?

You are not alone. Several studies indicate that it is inherent in all of us and it even has a name. This is called the IKEA effect.   

The IKEA effect is when we value something we have build ourselves far more than something we are given. It doesn’t have to be anything big, but if we g…

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Do you know the story about the monkey and the icecream?

Have you ever learned a new skill by watching things on YouTube? A crazy dance, a knitting pattern, how to build something or another completely new skill?
Most people take it for granted, but one of our important human abilities is the ability to learn simply by watching others perform an action. That ability is attributed to your mirror neurons.

It is said that mirror neurons were discovered at the University of Parma, where they were conducting studies on which centers in the brain are activate…

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